
joint verification and monitoring mechanism معنى

  • الآلية المشتركة للتحقق والرصد
  • joint    adj. مفصل في الجسم ...
  • verification    n. تأكيد الحقيقة, ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • monitoring    n. مراقبة; رَصْد
  • monitoring mechanism    آلية رصد الجزاءات ...
  • mechanism    n. تقنية, الآلات ا ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. joint venture agreement معنى
  2. joint venture institutional support costs معنى
  3. joint venture meeting on cooperation between islamic countries معنى
  4. joint ventures معنى
  5. joint verification and monitoring commission معنى
  6. joint verification commission معنى
  7. joint verification experiment معنى
  8. joint verification mechanism معنى
  9. joint verification team معنى
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